PlantCarton Life

Bring Life to the Idea…Reduce…Reuse…Recycle

Millions of students use cartons every day. The PlantCarton Life program helps students gain an appreciation for the benefits of plant-based packaging while inspiring environmental stewardship and healthy living. These hands-on activities not only create teachable moments about recycling and repurposing but also give students the opportunity to give their cartons another life. 

Give Cartons Another Life

From animals and racecars to pollinator homes, fresh milk and juice cartons can be transformed into all kinds of fun and useful things! Check out the Give Cartons Another Life page for creative ideas to engage students at home or in the classroom, along with tips for proper carton care.

Give Cartons Another Life

Students Can Make Their Mark

Help your students submit their ideas for making school milk cartons even more fun and interesting!  We want their fun facts, jokes, cartoons, games, artwork and more.  See how Students Can Make Their Mark on a carton, with your help.

About PlantCarton Packaging

Cartons are a good choice for a number of reasons! Find out more about PlantCarton Packaging and how they make a difference in our environment.

From Educators & Parents

PlantCarton Life Program

Inspiring students’ appreciation for plant-based packaging.

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The PlantCarton Life program helps inspire students’ appreciation for plant-based packaging, provides opportunities for repurposing cartons, and encourages carton recycling.

The PlantCarton Life program helps inspire students’ appreciation for plant-based packaging, provides opportunities for repurposing cartons, and encourages carton recycling.

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